CG is invited to Shanghai Lucton School's TEDxLinglinglu event
2021-12-15 650次

On December 12, the Consulate General of the Republic of Fiji in Shanghai was invited to participate in the TEDxlinglinglu event held at Shanghai  Lucton International  School. With the theme of "1.5°C Action", the event aims to highlight the role and leadership of young people on global climate change.


At the seminar held later, Dr. Yok  Yee Chan, the Consul General of Fiji in Shanghai with the representatives of school introduced the impacts of global warming to students, and emphasizedFiji’s influences on global climate issues as a Pacific island country and its important position in the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Students took the opportunity to actively ask questions so as to increase their knowledge ofFijiand climate change.


Dr. Chan and her team also had a meeting with Mr. Jason Zhou, the Managing Governor, and Mr. Clem  Parrish, the principal of Shanghai Lucton International  School. Both parties were excited about this joint effort to promoting an important global topic to students and look forward to more collaboration in the future.