Fiji's Debut at the 16th CISMEF
2019-06-28 1904次

The 16th China International Small and Medium Enterprise Fair (CISMEF) started on 24 June as hundreds of enterprises from home and abroad gathered in Guangzhou, the beautiful southern city of China, for this annual pageant for SMEs. For Fiji, it was the first time that the country tapped into one of the most influential SME promotion platforms in Asia, not just to explore and exchange, but to show what Fiji has got to offer as an economy dominated by small and medium enterprises.

Fiji’s successful participation at the 16th CISMEF was marked by the close cooperation between the Fijian government and the private sectors. Representatives from the Fijian Embassy in China, Consulate General of the Republic of Fiji in Shanghai, Investment Fiji, Fiji Airways, as well as private tourism operators of Rosie Holiday and Tour Managers participated and together staged a comprehensive promotional event. The event which aimed to appeal to both the general public and the business community featured passionate Fijian dance performances and business presentations on investment and tourism.

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Fijian exhibition being another highlight this time was constructed with Fijian features. Its shelves were loaded with Fijian Made products and a large TV screen constantly playing promotional video clips that attracted the attention of visitors to the booth. Mr. Lixi, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the CPC visited the Fijian booth on 25 June. Mr. Li, who visited Fiji last year where he met with the Fijian President said he was happy to see Fiji take an active participation at the 16th CISMEF in Guangzhou.
The Fiji Delegation to the CISMEF was led by Dr. Yolinda Chan, Fiji’s Consul General and Trade Commissioner to China. During the CISMEF, the Fijian delegates met with senior officials and senior business executives to further strengthen the bilateral trade relations between the two sides.