2019-07-04 4177次


Fiji Ships & Heavy Industries Limited (FSHIL) is a fully owned subsidiary company of Fiji Ports Corporation Limited (FPCL) and operates as a self- funded, commercial company. Its core functions are the slipping of marine vessels, carrying out of ship repairs and maintenance work and heavy industrial and engineering works. FSHIL operates three slipways in Walu Bay, Suva.
FPCL wishes to REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) from suitable companies to be a Strategic Partner in Fiji Ships & Heavy Industries Limited (FSHIL) businesses by providing technical management with an option for investment.

The objective of the Strategic partner in this regard includes but not limited to the following:

·  Manage the existing shipyard with technical expertise and professional administration and engage in joint sales and marketing;
·     Upgrade existing systems ensuring enhanced competency, efficiency and productivity;
·     Upgrade existing infrastructure of the present ship repairs facilities, mainly replace and upgrade aging equipment and facilities;
·     Introduce shipbuilding of small crafts, petrol boats, fishing boats, tugs and barges;
·     Generate real growth in Fijian jobs in all associated sectors of the Ship Repair Industry;Ensure the introduction of state-of-the-art processes and systems in order to compliment the Suva Port as a regional hub of the Pacific;
·     Technology transfer;
·     Revamp Boat/Ship Building;
·     Study the feasibility a dry dock of a suitable capacity in the port of Lautoka, as the present FSHIL yard at the port of Suva has limited space for expansion and;
·     Financial capacity to investment

RFP should include details of how the prospective partner will fulfill each of the requirements listed in the detailed RFP. Proposal should include supporting documents as necessary.

The closing date for submission of RFP is 5.00pm Thursday 8th of August 2019 (Fijian Time)
The submissions are to be addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer Fiji Ports  Corporation Limited
And mailed to: Box 780, Suva.
Or delivered to: 5th Floor, Muaiwalu House, Tofua Street, Walu Bay, Suva. Or emailed to: kara@fijiports.com.fj
For an overview of FSHIL, please see http://www.fijiports.com.fj
For further information, please contact Mrs. Kara Tukana on telephone +679 3312 700 or email kara@fijiports.com.fj to obtain obtain more information on FSHIL.